
A portfolio of spaces curated by the designer to explore the personality and comfort of a variety of clients

Elise’s interior projects can be seen as a glimpse into the personality of each client: memories, hobbies, colors, photographs, and other personal delights.  They are composed spaces in which the client and the designer work in unison to personalize and embody a mood.  These arrangements are delicately realized while accurately communicating budget, layout, and vision to the client. 


Explore the Projects

An Antique Nook

A celebration of a traditional 1930’s heirloom master suite set belonging to the client’s great grandparents. Incorporating personal touches such as a love for historical accessories, eclectic and meaningful design accents, and a natural yet striking color palette.

A Very Teal Room

An amusing twist of a client’s favorite color on a guest bedroom. Playing with pattern in a variety of elements, such as pillows, a roman shade, and a delicate ceiling wallcovering.

Game Master’s Room

A fresh, masculine take on a client’s favorite pastime. Blending strong, industrial shapes and playful, individual characteristics, such as a variety of feline objects and gaming dice.